Friday, April 27, 2012

Blog Advertising

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Permission to Take My Pants Off: How Not to Seduce a Woman

“Honey, it’s ok if you take your pants off,” Blake offered generously. Or at least, his tone sounded like the tone of a man who is being generous.“Thanks honey, but I’m cold. And working. And tired. And I like pants,” I added.“But it’s ok, darling, you don’t need to wear them. I really don’t even mind if you take them off!” He grinned cheekily, hoping his charming antics would seduce me into nudity.Nope.Operation Pants RemovalThat conversation is repeated every day, sometimes multiple times. It has succeeded exactly zero times, but that doesn’t discourage Blake. “Someday you will learn the truth about pants,” he explains earnestly. “It’s like...

THINK LIKE A MAN: How Soon Do You Give It Up Or Go Downtown?

by HelloBeautifulSo, you’ve met someone that you like a lot,you’ve gone on a few dates and even spent some time kissing and feeling up on each other. It’s only natural that you want to take it to the next level. If a woman gets busy with a guy too soon, does she automatically nix her chances for long-term love? How soon do you give it up or go downtown?Our dating experts share their thoughts on this hot topic.(Jozen Cumming) HE SAID:As far as I’m concerned, too many women are concerned with giving it up too soon. What they need to care about is giving it up too late?I’m certainly not going to be the guy who says a woman should give it up...

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