Friday, March 9, 2012

Dr. Gerald E. Jackson Tells How to Prolong True Love in New Book

Jonathan Erik Veal

*Though Valentine’s Day has passed, it does not mean true love between two people stops.

It is more so about the longevity of the relationship; and how to keep the bond with your significant other.
Dr. Gerald E. Jackson, founder and chairman of G.E. Jackson & Associates Inc., is here to help. Not only is he does he provide readers with a strategic planning disciplines; but, he offers couples the opportunity to keep the relationship alive as well as a way to enhance their love for each another.
Dr. Jackson, a Southern California native served six years in the Special Forces within the United States Navy’s Nuclear Powered, Ballistic Missile Submarine Service as a navigation electronic technician; so, you may wonder what he would know about writing about true love?
“I am a romantic at heart,” said Jackson. “I love all of my life and over the 20 plus years, I’ve had some interesting experiences; and the people that I have shared my story with have benefited from it.”
Dr. Jackson’s new book, “True Love & Longevity: Romance Guide and Workplan” provides a road map to the heart and soul of loving, long-lasting fulfillment within each one of us. Additionally, it was helps those in a relationship who have experienced long days, hard work, and a great deal of heartbreak attempting to make their commitment bond healthy and vital.
“There are four keys to true love in my opinion which would help anyone who is and who is not in a relationship,” said Jackson. He describes the four keys for individuals to genuinely have an understanding of each other, truly bring out the best of each other, speaking to the interpersonal that directs to an establish and encouragement to an abiding relationship with God and his word and to establish the importance of knowing that they truly love each other. “My personal definition of true love is the soul’s recognition of its counterpoint in another,” said Jackson.
The tome will have impact on ages 15 to 54. Jackson feels within the different ages people can feel this information in extremely useful; and assist others are attempting to find answers for current and future relationships.
“This workbook definitely makes me feel that the message is being heard and people are connecting to their own reality and truth,” said Jackson. He adds that the book is helping people bring the best out of themselves; so, it is relatable for many ages.
Dr. Jackson definitely believes being a business owner and using strategic planning correlates to keeping and maintaining a relationship with someone.
“They absolutely tie together due to the dynamics that one uses to approach a business in comparison to one is reaching out to a potential mate,” said Jackson.
Here are five things that Jackson believes that will help in searching for a potential mate:
1) Put your best foot forward.
2) When offering love be truthful and honest.
3) Make sure your best attributes are highlighted.
4) Trust is a process, first you must gain respect for the person; therefore, the prospective mate will want to trust you
5) Love and Support correlate to longevity in a relationship.
Along with the novel, Dr. Jackson works along the lines of spoken-word writing, inspirational creativity and motivational speaking. His spoken-word CDs are currently available online.
Take the opportunity to enhance your spoken-word library today by logging onto: The longevity of a relationship is up the individuals involved. Will Dr. Jackson’s book be your guide?


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