Thursday, March 8, 2012

From Two to One Plus Some: Parenting Past Divorce

You thought it would last forever, that you’d live happily ever after. Whatever happened to change that, you’ve gone from Two to One. But now there’s more. Because you’re left all alone, but not quite. You’re one, plus some.

You’re a parent.

You’re a single parent.

Whether you cringe at your new “label” or embrace it with relief, you now have the challenge of learning how to do life as a single parent. You may have amazingly supportive family and friends, or have no one to lean on.

But the one thing you will have is worry. You have now joined the ranks of more than 13 million single parents raising more than 21 million children. But all you’re concerned about are your own kids. 

Are you worried about your children and how they will adjust to the divorce? Are you dealing with a difficult ex? No money in your budget to attend expensive therapy or seminars? And never mind researching all the divorce experts out there to figure out where to put your precious time and money?!

If that’s you, then you will positively love the Divorced Parent Telesummit

I know Pam Wynn and Shelley Greiser, co-hosts of the Divorced Parent Telesummit. Pam and Shelley have worked with hundreds of people who are going through or are already divorced. They are committed to helping you help your children, and helping youbecome a better divorced parent by providing you with solid tools. They both know what its like to be in your shoes because they’ve walked a thousand miles in those shoes.

Like Pam and Shelley, I too have worn those single parent shoes for more than 25 years. I know the fear, the worry, and the guilt. I know what its like to struggle to make ends meet, to try to beat back fear, and to worry about your kids. And I want you to have every advantage, every strategy, and every bit of information that will ensure your success.

Pam and Shelley have gathered an amazing lineup of divorce experts for the Divorced Parent Telesummit, and I am honored to be included. Many of these experts were just like you. We have developed effective methods and strategies to ensure your children do well through the divorce transition. We will share information, tips and proven strategies on how to raise happy, healthy children after divorce, how to deal with a difficult ex, and how to recreate hope for your family.

All you need is a phone. And best of all…it’s FREE to listen!

Register right now to attend the Divorced Parent Telesummit.

The Divorced Parent Telesummit runs from Monday through Wednesday for two weeks, starting March 12, 2012. You and the experts come together via a telephone conference (with an optional webcast) to learn proven strategies to help your kids and deal with a difficult ex. And don’t worry, if you cannot attend all the sessions, you can get the replays.

This virtual event is for you if:

  • You are struggling with co-parenting issues
  •     You are worried about your child’s adjustment to the divorce
  •     You are dealing with a “difficult” ex
  •     You don’t know how to answer your child’s questions about the divorce
  •     You don’t know how to form a co-parenting team with your ex
  •     You want your children to be happy despite the divorce
Go to the Divorced Parent Telesummit website to find out more about this FREE event.

Here are just a few of the solutions you will learn:

  • Unplugging From Your Ex & Avoiding Emotional Minefields
  • Keeping it Together When You Are Parenting Apart
  • Mastering a Child-Centered Divorce
  • Developing a Winning Co Parenting Team
  • Raising Happier Kids Despite a Difficult Ex
You won’t want to miss out on a single Divorced Parent Telesummit expert presentation! Of course, I feel strongly about the portion that I will be presenting:

  1. How to move from collaborative parenting to cooperative parenting
  2. How to manage your teenager’s overload
  3. How to recreate stability and celebrate hope
I also look forward to learning hope strategies from the other divorced parents experts

Did I mention that it’s 100% free to listen? All these experts lined up for you, and you don’t have to drive anywhere. You can even upgrade to a Silver or Gold and own all the recordings and bonuses.

P.S. I’m one of the divorce expert presenters at the Divorced Parent Telesummit because I see the tremendous value in these topics and I feel strongly thatyou deserve to have every advantage, every strategy, and every bit of information that will ensure your success. Register right now to attend the Divorced Parent  Telesummit, and join me as we celebrate HOPE together!


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